Build your own project
- 8 beginner-friendly projects to create (the original title is a exaggeration, but they’re fine when starting to learn front-end)
- 7 Websites To Find Front End Projects For Your Portfolio
- Scrimba - 10 fantastic programming project ideas for your portfolio (and where to find more)
- Real Tough Candy - Project Ideas for Web Developers
- Project Guidelines (to make your project easier to develop)
- The Code Review Pyramid:
- Peter Lunch - How to Plan and Build a Programming Project - A Legitimate Guide for Beginners
- Keys to a well written README
- 🇵🇱 Localhost Academy - Jak planować zbudowanie projektu, aby się nie zgubić i wiedzieć, co robić dalej?
- 🇵🇱 W jaki sposób podejść do tworzenia projektu? Interesujący komentarz z grupy na FB: