Other resources
- Roadmap.sh - a starting point to learn code
- web.dev - various resources about front-end from Google itself (responsive design, accessibility, optimazation, etc.)
- Fullstack Open - learn to code fullstack apps with React, Node, TypeScript and more!
- JetBrains Academy - Frontend Developer Path (learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React and more!)
Valuable articles:
- Reddit Post - Frontend (React) Developers: what tasks do you do on a daily basis?
- Atlassian - What is Agile?
- 🇵🇱 W jakim wieku można zostać seniorem? Zobacz historię Jakuba Pawelskiego, który osiągnął to mając 19 lat
- 🇵🇱 Seria “Od Juniora do Seniora”- zbiór różnych ciekawych pytań od juniorów, odpowiedziane przez różnych seniorów: o doświadczeniu, code review, ocena swojego poziomu, itp.
Valuable videos:
- ThePrimeagen - How do I create a side project (as a software enginner)?
- ThePrimeagen - How I Choose Side Projects (as a software enginner)
- ThePrimeagen - How I Became A Better Programmer
- Stefan Mischook - Should I Take a Break from Learning CSS? (when to take a break from learning anything)
- Fireship - Vim in 100 seconds (and beyond)
- FreeCodeCamp - Vim Tutorial for Beginners
- Fireship - How to “Google It” like a Senior Software Engineer
- Web Dev Simplified - Learn CORS in 6 Minutes
- Fireship - 25 VS Code Productivity Tips and Speed Hacks
- Fireship - Session vs Token Authentication in 100 seconds
- Fireship - 100+ Computer Science Concepts Explained
- Jack Herrington - Senior Developer Workflow For Stress-Free Coding
- Web Dev Junkie - My list of advanced web development topics you should learn
- Code Creative - 3 Skills That Will Help You Succeed as a Junior Developer
- Code Creative - Day In The Life of a Software Enginner (probably the most real-world one)
- Fireship - Problem-Solving for Developers - A Beginner’s Guide
- The Digital CEO - Design tips for Front End Developers
- Envato Tuts+ - Web Design for Beginners
- Kenny Gunderman - Should You Learn Native or Cross-Platform Mobile Development?
- Ask Cloud Architech - Contributing to Open Source Can Change Your Life - Here’s How to Do It
- 🇵🇱 Duzy w Maluchu - ZABRALI MI MALUCHA! JAK ZARABIAĆ 2500 ZŁ DZIENNIE? *Patologie branży IT
- Ciekawy podcast o branży IT, jak tytuł sugeruje - mówi o różnych patologiach, ale też wspomina o rekrutacji, jak najwięcej zarabiać, problemy z legacy code
- 🇵🇱 WDI 2022 - Cezary Walenciuk - Ogniste pytania rekrutacyjne dla WebDev. Uzupełnij wiedzę
- 🇵🇱 WDI 2021 - Konstanty Orzeszko - Jak straciłem 600 000 PLN w 5 lat?
- O tym, jak nie przepalać pieniędzy (na głupoty) jako programista i jak nimi mądrze zarządzać.
- 🇵🇱 Przeprogramowani - Mini-seria o System Thinking (myślenie systemowe)