Kent C. Dodds - React Workshops (from Epic React)
JavaScript Version
- React Fundamentals
- React Hooks
- Advanced React Hooks
- Advanced React Patterns
- React Performance
- Testing React Apps
- React Suspence
- Build an Epic React App (Bookshelf)
TypeScript Version (recommended)
Other React tutorials
- Introduction to React by Jack Herrington
- Academind - React Crash Course
- Brad Schiff (LearnWebCode) - React For The Rest Of Us (only the basics of React)
- React with Hooks (old React docs rewritten with Hooks API)
- New React Docs (beta)
- React - different React resources (books, videos, courses, podcasts) and more
- Academind - React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)
- Brad Schiff (LearnWebCode) - React For The Rest Of Us
- Kent C. Dodds - Epic React (if you need the video format + solutions + bonus content)
Additional content
About useEffect hook
- Jack Herrington - React 18: useEffect Double Call; Mistake or Awesome?
- Jack Herrington - Mastering React’s useEffect
- Jack Herrington - Common React Mistakes: useEffect - Part 1
- Jack Herrington - Common React Mistakes: useEffect - Part 2
- React Docs - You Might Not Need an Effect (when to use the useEffect hook)
Custom hooks
- Felix Gerschau - Form validation with React Hooks WITHOUT a library: The Complete Guide
- Web Dev Junkie - How you can use custom hooks to abstract your React code
React + TypeScript
What to know before react
- Brad Schiff (LearnWebCode) - What is React and what problems does it solve? (Vanilla JS vs React comparison)
- Kent C. Dodds. - JavaScript to Know for React
Folder structure
- Josh W. Comeau - Delightful React File/Directory Structure
- Screaming Architecture - Evolution of a React folder structure
Principles for React
- Alex Kondov - Tao of React
- Web Dev Junkie - Refactoring and decoupling some React code (DRY, KISS, YAGNI, WET)
- React project structure for scale: decomposition, layers and hierarchy
- Fireship - 10 React Antipatterns to Avoid - Code This, Not That!
- React Philosophies - what you need to know, when writing the React code?
- Nadia Makarevich - Developer Way Blog (advanced React + TypeScript topics)
- Applying SOLID principles in React
- Web Dev Simplified - How To Organize React Projects
- Kent C. Dodds - Inversion of Control
- AppUnite - Vue’s Slots Composition adapted to React - how and when to use it
- Theo - - Your Folder Structure Hurt Me (reaction to Web Dev Simplified’s folder structure video + from 11:06 shows and explain folder structure in his projects)
- Michał Taszycki - Architektura aplikacji w React.js – czyli poszukiwania Świętego Graala.
- Krzysztof Jendrzyca - The Zen of React (jak utrzymywać czysty kod w Reakcie)
Przeprogramowani - mini-seria ze wzorca State Machine
Przeprogramowani - Jak NIE zarządzać stanem komponentów? | Wzorzec State Machine #1
Przeprogramowani - Jak zastosować State Machine w praktyce? | Wzorzec State Machine #2
Przeprogramowani - ZarzÄ…dzanie stanem z XState | Wzorzec State Machine #3
Warte zobaczenia, bo daje szerszy obraz na to, jak można efektywniej zarządzać stanem w Reakcie. Trwa około 40 minut.
Slajdy z powyższego wykładu po stronie trzeba poruszać się strzałkami (lewo/prawo).
Fetching data in React
Advices from Dan Abramov (member of React Core Team)
React Context
React Memo
React testing
Performance in React
- Jack Herrington - Mastering React Batch Updating
- React is slow, what now?
- Kent C. Dodds - Memoization and React
- Kent C. Dodds - When to useMemo and useCallback.
- Web Dev Junkie - How to implement the MVC pattern in React (very interesting approach to this problem)
- Lydia Hallie - Advanced Rendering Patterns (what shortcuts like ISR, SSG and SSR really mean? )
React libraries
Debugging React apps
- Bartosz Szczeciński - Intro to debugging ReactJS applications
- Web Dev Junkie - Tips and Tricks for Debugging React Applications
- Kent C. Dodds - React DevTools
React recruitment materials
Polish recruitment materials
Other React materials
- Theo - - This React Feature BREAKS THE RULES??? 😱 (how to use React Portals and why?) Used API (if someone wants to recreate the task)
- uidotdev - The Story of React
- uidotdev - The Story of Next.js
- uidotdev - The Story of Concurrent React